"Movement can replace many drugs, but no drugs can ever replace movement”
- Avicenna
Why is mobility so important for helping me to feel better in my body?
Our body is an adaptive organism. It responds to the demands we place upon it by adapting it’s physical structure and function. This means both the things that we DO and DON’T DO will cause our body to change. That’s why movement is so good for us. It stimulates a series of biochemical responses within our body to then cause a change in our structure!
But what about when we don’t move?
Living in modern society, we are constantly sending a very particular message to our body. Over time, this message causes a significant amount of change. For the most part, the message sent is that our body must adapt to what we do most: sitting for hours on end in a hunched over position. This position is a representation of the absolute bare minimum of our movement capacity. With enough time, our body begins to adapt, making it more efficient at exactly what we always do: Sit!
The problem with this is that our body works best when it is constantly moving and expressing its full movement capacity. Exercise is beneficial because it is a form of movement that is done at the edges of our capacity. The aim of exercise is to cause our body to adapt and this is where all of the health benefits lie.
When we don’t move, our body slowly starts to function less efficiently, taking away from our capacity to move well. Once we feed this cycle of not moving and causing our body to ‘de-adapt’ over time, we notice that when we try to get up and move in ways that are more complex we simply aren’t able to!
Try it for yourself. As you’re reading this copy while sitting down on your computer, take a quick second to notice how your body feels. Is there anywhere that feels stiff? Do you notice a feeling of tightness or soreness? How do you think you would go if you had to jump up out of your chair and go for a run right now?
Now, contrast that feeling to what it feels like after your first mobility session! This is what a capable, free body should feel like.
Enter structured mobility training
So here you are now, realising that you’ve been sitting at a desk for years on end without moving as often as you should’ve. You experience pain every now and again, constantly feel tight and couldn’t get into a deep squat if your life depended on it.
The good news is, that the Healthy At Home series is designed EXACTLY for you!
The aim of this series is to step you back into your body and correct all of the imbalances that have come about after a lifetime of not moving as often as we should. It systematically approaches your mobility by looking at the areas that are most restricted.
You see the big problem with mobility in the way that it is most commonly looked at, is that it is often performed as an afterthought focusing on one or two areas for a small amount of time. Most fitness programs are created with the idea that mobility isn’t a limiting factor and therefore doesn’t need to be improved.
But this isn’t the right way to look at it.
Mobility, Strength, Fitness and good looks do not need to be mutually exclusive. With a properly designed program you can achieve all of these goals and more, while allowing your body to get to the level of function you need it to!
It is a simple fact that the best strength training regimes, are also inherently the best mobility routines.
In this course you get a unique introduction to working on your mobility, the right way, through 5 guided exercise routines featuring our most effective exercises. This is a practical introduction to what proper mobility training is all about and will provide you with the perfect skillset to begin making sure mobility is your next biggest strength.